We invite you to browse through our extensive selection of over 25,000 castors (including 3D CAD models and spec sheets).
Our castors are available in a wide variety of mounting, wheel, and brake options to help you find the right swivel, rigid, or stainless steel castor
for your industrial, medical, institutional and household applications.
If you don’t find the castor for your unique application, please call us at 1-800-950-8750. Our knowledgeable customer service team would
be happy to assist you find a great castor to match any application. We are available Monday thru Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm (PST) and look
forward to being of service.
In any industry, when you need to move something, you will need a castor, If you are looking for a smooth movement,
we are always there to move your business smoothly. We are dealing in more than 2500 castors types depending upon your requirement.
Casters is widely used in so many industry, we can’t count. Although castors are one of the smaller parts that make up a material handling cart,
they play an integral role in how that cart will move efficiently and safely. Also, premature castor failure can impact the company’s bottom line.
Find the right castors and wheels you need. Heavy duty strength industrial castors and wheels featured.
We have prices, specs, & product information.Casters are designed to reduce the amount of thread buildup and reduce the time required to service castors used
in this movement.