“There are real advantages to the BIC, Best Quality Casters, Wheels, Trolleys at lowest price.”
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Specialist in Caster Wheel
& Handling Equipments
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Why Choose APEX Caster Wheels?
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Welcome to APEX Caster World
"Leaders in Caster Wheels, Trolley Wheels, Industrial Trolleys & Material Handling Equipments."
APEX Caster has marked its strong presence in the market and can be felt by its growing popularity in India and Overseas market. Since our establishment in 1999, Apex Caster Wheel has emerged as the leader in castor wheel, Trolley Wheel and Industrial Trolley Manufacturing.
Product Description

A fixed castor is a rolled device that does not rotate which allows the straight line movement of furniture and other heavy objects. Due to its fixed position it is most suitable to a journey in straight lines as it can roll backward and forward but cannot rotate.
Allowing the equipment to travel and convenient when moving items for long periods of time. Suitable for domestic and industrial applications. Available in a range of sizes for all application types.
Bharat Industrial Corp. is providing High Quality Fixed Caster for your application.
- More Load Capacity
- Various Types Available
The swivel castor is a wheeled device designed to 360 degrees rotate letting you turn in all directions, and you can drive in all directions and corners. Consisting of a swivel bracket and either one or two wheels. The rotation allows for easier transportation of heavy furniture.
Swivel Caster Wheels can be equipped with a locking system to lock the rotation when you need your object to be static. An easy system for fixation of top plate and block to reduce the accidental chances. Our safty standards provides the large range of industrial and domestic casters.
- More Load Capacity
- Various Types Available
- Smooth Rotation
The proper wheel selection is dependent on application factors such as floor conditions, load, rollability, speed and climate. All these selection features helpful in selecting the right caster wheel. A Special bearings is required in most of the castor applications to function with a bearing.
Our locked castor wheel categories is having so many options in castors. You can choose the right castors for your requirements.
- More Load Capacity
- Powerful Breaks
- High Quality
Rich Experience
Competitive Price
Professional Services
Quick Dispatch
Our Clients

APEX Testimonials

Casters for Shopping Carts
We offers a wide range of castors for retail displays, store fixtures, carts and racks, providing swivel and fixed (rigid) models

Casters for Manufacturing Industry
We produce & carry heavy duty manufacturing industrial castors specifically for the manufacturing industry.